Friday, May 21, 2010

The Morning After

I had a really nice dinner out with the girls last night.  We went to a somewhat disappointing restaurant that was way overpriced, but it was the company that was fun.  It was with 3 women that I don't know very well, but we were there for a little over 2 hours, so we know each other better now. 

Here's my self reflection on Mom's Night Out... I had all of 15 minutes to take myself from "playdate mom" to "out on the town mom."  Uhhh, that doesn't work too well.  I ended up wearing too much eye makeup and too bright a lipstick and felt kind of yucko.  I just want to be able to go out without my babes and not have people look at me and say "Whoa, lady.  Get your act together, and where are those children you so obviously have?"  How does that happen?  I don't have time to blow dry my hair.   I don't have time to go to a cosmetics counter to have someone keep me updated.  I don't have patience to do dressing rooms.  Most the time I eyeball it, grab something that looks like it fits, take it home, and then return it.  What's a girl to do?  I have a feeling I'll be attempting to do some upkeep in Coos Bay, and that is just a sad thought.

To top it all off, I got up this morning with Owen and let Ben sleep at bit, but I'm now fuming because the house is a mess.  I made this awesome dinner for Ben last night before I left, and I came home to all the dishes waiting, none of Owen's toys put away, and a kid who really needs a bath.  Its always a toss up for me.  There is usually lots of work waiting for me when I get home from these "nights off" so is it worth me going?  Now I just have to clean up after the boys.  Oy.

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