The amount of planning and laundry and folding and packing that are going into this vacation is just so vast... I mean, its been a week of tedious preparations and I have a sinking feeling that I am forgetting something really important. But, once we're there, I'm going to sit back and let other people hold Miles for hours at a time. And take Owen to the playground.
I'm planning on sipping gallons of ice tea, maybe sleeping in, definetly getting in a couple of date nights with my handsome husband.
And I feel like crying right now just because there's all this stuff just lurking out there... Sippy cups. Formula. Enough diapers to get across the country. Snacks. Change of clothes. Breathe. In and Out. In and Out. In and Out.
See you all soon!
Get writing girl! I miss hearing what you are up to? Well, just miss you in general I guess.